July 2012 Moms

I'm Back

We went to Buffalo for a few days to visit the ILs. Robert did a great job on the 8 hour car trip! We brought his co sleeper and did not set it back up at home. He is in his own room in his crib. I'm sad that my little boy is growing up but it's nice to have my room back.
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Together since 5/08 ~ Married 6/19/10 ~ TTC #1 since 8/10
BFP#1 3/26/11 ~ EDD 12/2/11 ~ Ectopic Twins left tube 7w3d
BFP#2 11/2/11 ~ EDD 7/14/12 ~ Robert Edgar born 7/18/12
My Wedding Music Video | My Fur Babies
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