July 2012 Moms

WWYD re hospital complaints

I had a horrible birth experience this time, and I'm pretty sure what one of the nurses did is grounds for assault

Long and short of it, DS2 was an urgent csection due to failure to progress. He was 9lbs, sunny side up and had the cord wrapped around his torso.

When I was in recovery, they turned off my epi wo starting the PCA pump or giving me pain meds. They basically waited for me to hurt before they have me anything.

While I was hurting, a lot, in recovery, I felt a woosh of blood from my vagina. Called the nurse, who was training, who confirmed I was bleeding.

Instead of giving me the shot to stop the bleeding or massaging my fundus, she punches me w her bony knuckles about 2 inches above my incision. I wanted to throat punch this b.

Well, after an hour they took me back to my room. No one checks on me or introduces themselves shift changed during my csection. Well I feel bleeding again. Keep in mind that I'm trying to play pain catch up w my morphine pump and I'm at a 12/10 on the pain scale. I press the call light.

The b nurse from recovery comes in and punches me again, in front of my mom!!!

I was hysterical. I called in the charge nurse to complain who was empathetic and got me more pain meds, finally, and had my nurse, finally, check on me.

Two weeks PP, a nurse from the unit calls to check on me. I told her what happened and she said she would definitely tell the director about the 2 punching incidents. I still haven't heard anything.

I really want to speak w the director or administration about this. I got really shytty care, this was just the biggest problem.
The trouble is I work at that hospital in a cardiac department next to OB and I will be using their pumping room when I go back, so I will see these people all the time.

Would you say anything?
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