July 2012 Moms

Magic Sleepsuit success: PIP

DS has been sleeping in his Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit for the last week and doing really well! I believe in magic and will be buying a second suit for when the first is in the wash.

Some background: he had previously been swaddled in the Miracle Blanket since birth AND in the RnP at night. I wanted to transition him out of both so I bought the sleepsuit. (He naps in his crib during the day.)

Prior to trying the suit, I'd tried putting him to bed with arms swaddled only and without any kind of swaddle and it was disastrous. His kicking legs kept him awake. 

I started by putting him in the suit for naps. He did not fuss at all and napped as usual. Then I put him in the suit to sleep in the RnP for 2 nights and again he slept as long as he normally does. I then transitioned him to sleep overnight in the Pack n Play and this is where he now sleeps! My last step is to have him sleep in his crib over night and in his own room. Given how well things have gone thus far I think it should be an easy transition.

I wouldn't say the suit makes DS sleep LONGER than he normally would but he has slept at least as long as before and most importantly transitioning from the Miracle Blanket and RnP was pretty seamless. I even brought the suit with us when we visited a friend and put DS down for a nap in one of the bedrooms while we were there! 

PSA: I got 20% off 1 suit by liking their page on FB. DS is 15 pounds and 3 months. I got the 3-6 month size and he has room to grow into it. He's wearing a footed sleeper underneath it and is not hot in it (but it is already cold here in Montreal). I wish I'd gotten two from the start - the savings are quite significant when you get two (discount applies to 2 as well) but I'm happy to pay whatever it costs when it comes to helping DS sleep well!

How adorable is he? My little michelin man:

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