July 2012 Moms

what could be going on??

I don't know whats wrong. Since day one, DD has been wonderful at night. She has always slept 6-8 hr streches and then another 3 hr stretch after that. Now the last two nights she sleeps for about 4 hrs (after fighting it for a looonng time) and then wakes up and wont go back down. I try feeding her, rocking her, changing her...the whole nine yards. Once I lay her back down she is crying by the time I make it back to my room. She has been acting fine otherwise (besides spitting up after every feeding which I am hoping is just a normal baby thing...). Could it possibly be a growth spurt? She is only 10 weeks. Has any one had their little one go through their 12 week growth spurt a little early? I never noticed her going through one before. She is great during the day though. It's just the night!

 Help please! Any suggestions or advice would be great!

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