July 2012 Moms

big decisions....

So hubby interviewed for a new job, and he just got offered the position. He is pretty unhappy where he currently is, especially because he misses out on a LOT of time with me and DD. But the upside has been pretty good $ steadily coming in. This new job is 100% commission based, so it's kind of a big risk. He is really excited about the opportunity and I have no doubt he would be great and do well, but I am so scared of the unknown, especially now that we have a little person dependent on us. What if he has a bad month? We don't really have much of a savings after paying off debt the past year and doing home improvements and I don't think my salary would cover all of our expenses for more than a month or so. The upside to this new position is that he would finally have a normal schedule. No more working Saturdays, Sundays, and most holidays. We would actually get to eat dinner together and before 9pm. Guess I just wanted to vent my fears a bit and ask for your T&P as we make a huge decision. Thanks ladies. 
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