July 2012 Moms

Stupid Pump (sorry duplicate)

I wrote this about 4 hours ago but can't seem to find it, I must not have posted it, if I did, sorry for the repost. ***Sorry, found the original post but can't delete this one***

At about 6 weeks my pump malfunctioned, milk into the tubes then into motor. I BF and pump maybe once a day to get some in storage. This morning, which is 6 weeks later, the replacement pump did the exact same thing! I know I've done everything for surely right this time. Making sure I'm sitting right, cleaning it good. 

I go back to work next Wednesday. I'm only working 3 days a week. I might be working 6 hours or could be working 8. If I don't pump, I'm sure my supply will diminish. Now I don't know if I want to just try BF when I'm home, use my frozen supply for when I'm at work. Then go to formula when the supply runs out. I don't know if I'll be able to keep BF if I don't pump at work. I have not had any problems with my supply. Also I don't know if it'll be a pain for me not to be able to pump. At least that morning pump, since DS only feeds off one side when he wakes up and the other side is very full. SHOOT!

Stupid MiPump ($79.99). I will be calling the 800 number to see about getting another replacement. 

BFP #1 on cycle 19, 6/13/09, blighted ovum discovered on 8/3/09
BFP #2 3/1/10 yay for seeing the baby and seeing hb at 6w! Found at on 4/26/10 that the baby had stopped growing at 7w
BFP #3 11/19/11
Baby Boy Bruce born 7/21/12
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