July 2012 Moms

Change in sleeping patterns

Lately my 3 month old is having trouble sleeping.  My LO had been sleeping really well - going down around 9, and waking to feed at 3ish and 6ish.  However, they were quick feeds and she usually went right to sleep afterward (or barely woke up to begin with) I know it's not really sleeping through the night, but it worked for us.  However, the last few nights have been rough.  She's started waking at 1 or 2 and staying up for an hour, at least.  Or she'll only sleep in my arms.  If I leave her in the crib she thrashes around and moans.  I can't swaddle her arms anymore since she's already rolling over.  The other night I was up with her from 1:30 - 4, then 5:30 - 6:30 and she woke up at 8, ready to go.  Also, she doesn't seem to be napping well anymore.  She used to nap for a good 2 hours in the morning, now I'm lucky to get 45 minutes.  Is anyone else having sleep issues?  Any advice? 
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