July 2012 Moms

AW: I Got (informally) Offered A Job (longish)

I went to visit & have lunch with a prof I used to work for in grad school, and of course to show off the baby.  I saw my adviser whom I have been in contact with and who was head of Graduate Studies at the time, and is now the department head.

He said to me, "You know, we'd love to have you on board.  If you're interested in teaching a few classes, give me a call."  I was dumbfounded, and said I'd love to BUT...and he cut me off by letting me know how much he could pay me and how much I'd like it.


Now I have a LOT of thinking to do!  DH is jobless and this would be a pay increase.  HOWEVER, I absolutely love my current job (teaching lessons & working for myself at home) and I'd hate to give that up.  I can't do both.  

Pros- I'd be Professor MM, It would look fab on a resume, I could buy a fedora and pretend I'm Indiana Jones, I love teaching, its a good step if I want to do PhD work someday, I'd stay in Academia where life is good at a well-respected University that I love, with a boss that I like.

Cons- a LOT of time spent prepping, the stress of being a 1st yr prof, lots of time away from the baby (maybe needing a nanny), taking work home with me, quitting current job.

I have a lot of thinking to do and a lot more to add to the pro/con list.

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