July 2012 Moms

"Too many naps"

Every time I see my stepmother she has another piece of "advice" for me. From putting rice cereal in LO's bottle to putting him to sleep on his belly, she thinks I'm doing everything wrong. Her kids are in their 20's and she keeps insisting that she did everything right. (They've both been in prison and neither graduated high school, but that's neither here nor there.)

Now she thinks I put LO down for too many naps. She thinks I need to just "live through the fussiness" and force him to take naps on my schedule. She believes this will make him sleep through the night.

Currently he's up for about 60-90 minutes, then down for a 45-60 min nap, then up again, and so on. It's about 5 naps in total. He sleeps anywhere from 2-6 hours at a time at night. How many naps are your LO's taking? 

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