July 2012 Moms

Changing bedtime

Ok so DD and I get home about 6 for the day and she only can stay awake about 1 hour or so before she's tired and fussy. She would rather go to bed around 7 for the night and I hate this!

I would like her to just take a small nap and then go to bed around 9 but she has decided that is simply no good. I woke her up tonight around 8 and she was sooo not happy.

If she goes to sleep that early I don't get enough time with her and it just sucks. Plus when she goes to sleep later she sleeps until 5306 as opposed to 4 or so.
How can I adjust her to a later bedtime or can I even do that at all??Sorry so long this is mostly a vent because I miss her so much and just don't get enough time :
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