July 2012 Moms

Moby Love.

I know y'all have a love/hate relationship with your Mobys out there, but I've been in love with mine since day one.  Unfortunately, my little guy is getting too big for the "hold" I'm used to, so I had to dig up the manual to see if there were other ways to use it.  I was sure I was done with it, but this pdf is awesome and offers lots of alternatives to the newborn hold.  

Disclaimer- my LO cried his eyes out while I figured out the new way to use it, but I breathed through it, and now he's passed out on my chest in the hug hold.  I might be able to exercise with him like this tomorrow!  I was thinking of getting a baby ergo- but when I wrap this sucker right, my back feels great, so now I'm not sure.


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