July 2012 Moms

S/O Solids, Cereal, etc.

What are you using as a resource to figure out what you're doing about introducing food (aside from this board and your pedi/doctor)?   Do you have a good book or website you'd recommend? 

I am feeling really lost in all of this!  I don't think we'll be giving her rice cereal, because I sort of think that baby should just eat food that we'd eat (is that BLW?), but don't have much more than just a gut reaction as to why I think that.  UGH.  When I was pregnant I knew that I had SOOO long to figure all this stuff out, but now it feels like it's approaching so fast!

CuteFeet1 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Cloth diapering, exclusively pumping SAHM to baby girl M, born 6/27/2012 with T21.
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