Pregnant after IF

First U/S :)

Well I just got back from my first ultrasound! I am relieved baby is measuring right at 7 weeks (My ticker is off-I am 7 weeks exactly today) and 127 heart rate!! He said the baby was very photogenic and was moving around like crazy :)  I think I can finally breathe...I know it is still early but just knowing the baby is healthy now, has a heart beat, and my RE said the miscarriage rate is now 5% I think I can hopefully relax a little bit!! Just wanted to share the good news since I have been such a wreck the last 2 weeks! I go back in for another ultrasound in 2 weeks and then hopefully graduating to the OB :)  
TTC: August 2011 Me: 28-PCOS DH: 32-Perfect IUI #1: August 3, 2012- .5mg Letrozole, HCG trigger. 2 good folli's, DH had good numbers-BFN. IUI #2: September 4, 2012-.5mg Letrozole, HCG trigger. BFP!!! Beta 1: 152 (15 DPO) Beta 2: 380 (17 DPO) Beta 3: 1,743 (21 DPO) 1st U/S 7 weeks-10/9/12: 127 bpm!! 2nd U/S 9 weeks-10/23/12: Released to OB 170 bpm! 3rd U/S 16 weeks-12/11/12: It's a BOY!! 152 bpm! Due May 28, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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