Pregnant after IF

Rib pains turns out to be my back in spasm

I have been having intense "rib" pain for 2 weeks now, just in one spot on back. I had an emotional breakdown today and DH made me call the ob. I have hardly slept, been hating being pregnant, and couldn't take the pain anymore. I am glad I listened to DH. My back has been in spasm for 2 weeks, and it is unrelated to pregnancy. So, I am on flexeril today and tomorrow. I am just so happy relief is on the way and that this wont last 20 more weeks. I have been feeling so guilty for not liking being pregnant because of how hard I worked to get here. Now, I can start to enjoy it again. On a positive note, the babies were more active than ever before at like 1AM, and I would have otherwise missed out on that.
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