Pregnant after IF

VERY long and overdue update: The boys are finally here!!

I replied to a couple of posts already, but I hadn't had the opportunity to come on with the big update! Our boys arrived two weeks ago at 36w1d. I was scheduled for a c-section (Baby B had been transverse/ oblique for awhile) at 37w2d, but I didn't make it. We have been home for over a week and are loving life with our little boys. We've been struggling with feeding issues because of the babies' sizes (both were just under 5 lbs.), so we are bf-ing, pumping, and supplementing with formula per our pediatrician's recommendation. We've been told many of these issues are due to the babies' early arrival and SGA (small for gestational age) dx. But, we are loving life with our boys and I can't even begin to describe how happy we are. This is the best.

The SHORT story: My water broke and four hours later our boys were born via c/s. They did really well in the hospital despite some issues with temperature and Baby B's jaundice. But, we avoided the NICU and we all came home together =)

The LONG story...I know it sounds cheesy, but I had been feeling off that day. I had this compulsive need to groom and clean. I also threw up that morning. I went to the OB that day and had a complete emotional breakdown. I was so terrified of something happening to the boys because of the IUGR diagnosis. Also, it was so difficult to tell the difference between the boys' movements and I was scared I would miss a decrease in one of them. The OB really empathized with me and offered to discuss my concerns with the MFM and discuss an earlier delivery. She did an internal exam and discovered I was thinned out, but not dilated. 

Later that afternoon, I had some spotting, which I attributed to the internal. About an hour later, I went to the bathroom again and saw more spotting. As I was standing up from the toilet, I heard a "pop" and felt a small gush. (TMI: There were a couple of clots in the toilet and more bleeding on the TP). From there, I experienced small gushes as I moved around and tried to get my bag in order. So weird. A few minutes later, my OB called to update me on the discussion with the MFM and told me to head into the hospital since these babies decided it was time to come out! I called DH at work and after some serious disbelief, he came home and picked me up. 

When we got to the hospital, DH pulled into the drive to drop me off. Once I stepped out of the car...HOLY COW. There was no way anyone could have prepared me for the amount of fluid that came out! It was pouring through the towel between my legs and down my legs. Nurses and cars were driving by, wishing me good luck and telling me congratulations. I was completely hunched over with my hands between my legs and I'm pretty sure everyone saw my underwear. Finally, a volunteer and DH came with a wheelchair and took me up to L&D. From there, I was hooked up to monitors in triage. I had been having regular contractions for weeks, so no one was surprised to see them on the monitor, but they did pick up in intensity. Still, totally manageable. I was there for about 2 hours before they wheeled me back for c/s. The c/s was a breeze. The spinal was NBD and other than some mild nausea and slight dizziness, I was completely fine. Hearing them pull the babies out was the most surreal moment. It was perfect. The hospital stay was fairly uneventful and we all came home together. NO NICU TIME...YAY!!

So, that's the story! I can't believe this is our life. It's so amazing. I just never thought it would happen and now I can't imagine life without these guys. I told DH that I just felt as if I had known them forever. Being their mother is the most natural thing in the world. It's so crazy. Don't get me wrong, this is really hard. But, it is worth it. (And, on another IVF embryo switch fears were put to rest. One of the babies looks exactly like me, the other like DH. Plus, one has my blood type, which is not super common. Phew!) 

Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
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