Pregnant after IF

Beta #4

Got results from #4 today at 4967. Doubling time went up a little from 41 hours to 39.95 hours. Progesterone is still over 40. They didn't give the exact number but they said that was good, so I'll go with it!

AND......NO MORE BLOOD WORK!!! I go for my ultrasound on Friday!! Can't wait to find out if we have one or two in there!!

Tried to conceive on our own for a year before moving on to fertility treatments. Dx unexplained. About 10 months of procedures, shots, and countless doctor appointments, we got our BFP! BFN on 5 IUI's
IVF#1 - ER 09/14/12, ET 09/17/12: two 8 cells, BFP: 9/28 Beta#1 56.8; 10/2 Beta#2 284; 10/5 Beta#3 939; 10/9 Beta #4 4967. One baby on board with EDD 06/07/13!
Lilypie Maternity tickers
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