July 2012 Moms

Send my DH some good luck vibes please!

My DH has been working the past two years as a warehouse assistant manager for the same company I work for. And for those entire two years, he's been running around like crazy trying to do the work of two people, because his alcoholic boss completely sucked at his job. He comes home stressed to the max pretty much every day. The company I work for has 12 retail locations in our area, and we all sell out of the same warehouse, which means it's a LOT of work for one person to do. My DH has pretty much been managing the warehouse "under the table" and working 50-hr weeks, all while his boss went home every day at 2 to drink beer in his backyard. Since our corporate office is 800 miles away, it was incredibly frustrating to watch him do all the work, remaining unnoticed and unappreciated.

Finally, FINALLY....his boss got canned last week. To remain HR complaint, the company still has to post the job listing nationwide to make it fair; however it looks like DH will be first in line for the warehouse manager job. Please guys, if you could find some room in your prayers for DH to get this promotion, I would really appreciate it. The pay increase would really help us out, and after a while, I would be able to get a part-time gig and spend a lot more time with my DD. Maybe even more importantly, he really, really deserves it. Fingers crossed!!!

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