Pregnant after IF

To start Prilosec OTC or to not... that is the question...

So I had heartburn problems about two years or so ago and was prescribed omprezole by my doctor for 2 months- then it resolved so I stopped.

Since getting pregnant from day 1 heartburn no matter what I eat/dont eat has been an issue. I started with Tums and Milk; then switched to taking Zantac 1-2 times a day as needed....

Well now I get it no matter what and the Zantac helps but only for a short period of time.

How many of you ladies are on Prilosec OTC? I've already gotten the OK from my OB... I just hate taking any medicine while pregnant- even if theyre safe... :/

Oh and I tried to be "natural" and take a shot of organic apple cider vinegar  - well lets just say I needed to clean my walls and my floors after that.. lol 

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