Pregnant after IF


Sorry it took so long to post today - we started our mini-babymoon today right after our appointment and I of course could hardly contain myself and needed to shop.  :)  Our a/s weny really well - baby has 10 fingers, 10 toes and all the bones are developed, etc - baby is right on track and is.....a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so happy and so excited!  I completely surprised myself because I started crying as soon as the tech told us.

Only thing the doctor mentioned is my placenta is a little low, so he told me to watch for spotting & to be careful when having sex.  We will check up on the placenta at my last u/s which is at 32 weeks.  Apparently IVF patients are brought in for one more with my practice and that is fine with me.  Overall though, the baby is doing great so we couldn't be happier.

Babymoon is going well so far too - I am up waaay later than I have been in a long time.  Tomorrow is our massages and I am really looking forward to that.

PS - sorry for the lame subject line...the internet here isn't working so well with TB and I am tired of waiting.  I need to get my rear in bed!

TTC since 4/2010 - Me: 29 DH: 29
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