Pregnant after IF

Long overdue update for my Pre E post on monday

alright, so dh and I went to labor and delivery on monday night. we got there told the secretary what was going on and she brought us to a triage room and told me to pee in a cup and get changed. so off I went to the potty and when I got back she told me "oh never mind, i guess you dont need to change" and in walked the nightmare of a nurse... I will split things into their own catagories so its easier to follow along! Kudos if you read it all but you wont be sorry you did, this is a good one!

1st- I explained my shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, shakey feeling, light headedness, and persistant headache.. ready for her response?

       -"i dont deal with breathing problems so I dont know why your here"..."i guess i will look for the heartbeats and send to you the ER"

2nd- I shared with her that in the last few days I felt like the babies had decreased movement.. before I could even finish my sentance she cut me off to say...

   "No no no, thats impossible, there is no way you can have decreased movement this early, it doesnt even count yet....and besides that, your pre-viable so we wouldnt do anything anyway" WTF

3rd- she walks out of the room irritated b/c she has to find another monitor since there are 2 babies... she gets back and asks if i can show her where they are, so i do.. do you think she bothers to look for the hb there?? NOPE!! then she gets mad that she cant find them and tries to tell me I am too early for her $250,000 machine to dectect a hb...ummmm really? my $30 home doppler could do it at 9 she finally finds 2 or so she thinks and says, "well i think thats 2 babies so..." and she leaves the room....never offers me a towel to clean up with at all. at this point my injection site for lovenox is bleeding cuz she messed around so long with my belly, and wanna know what her response was...get ready its a lovely one..... "oh sucks to be you!!"

4th- all the while she is bitching about the ER staff and how incompetant they are and how they never should've sent me up there and how they are always so dumb. but when she is finished with us she tells us we need to go to the ER for them to deal with it...right, after all your bad mouthing we cant wait to go there..

5th- she never took one single vital!!! she broke hospital policy and just chose not to check anything!!!

Needless to say we just went home.. we were soooooo done with this hospital experience. The next morning dh called labor and delivery and demanded he talk with a nurse manager. After he got ahold of her he demanded a meeting.. she was compliant and agreed to see us immeadiatly. We got there and she had 3 hospital admin people there to hear what happened. they were HORRIFIED when they heard and basically begged for our forgiveness and said they would do WHATEVER we wanted to restore our faith in them!! I am sooooo glad they took it seriously b/c we we were considering leaving. the nurse will be repremanded and it is written in our chart that she is NEVER to come in contact with us again. and they gave us the phone numbers for the charge nurses so if we ever need to go in again we are to call them and they will be the only ones to ever care for us at all!

phew...if you to the end you get a trip to the beach lol Paradise


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