Pregnant after IF

Quick Update on Me (kinda long)

I know it has been a little while since I have posted here and I just wanted to give a quick update. I'll be brief and the nitty-gritty details are in my blog if you're feeling nosy ;)

After the "big scare" and the ER trip two weeks ago, I was feeling really confident that everything was OK. My hematoma was in a really good spot far away from the baby and the doctors reassured me that it was totally normal and even common.

Since that check-in last Monday, I had to start scheduling my weekly check-ins with the RE and pregnancy nurses. I made an appointment at the satellite office (which I had never been to before) for Friday evening after work. When I finally found the place, the u/s tech assured me that everything looked good and that the baby had a strong heartbeat. She sent me to the waiting room for my check-in with the nurse and I sat there sending pictures to DH and my mom of the u/s pictures.

When I finally saw the nurse, however, she told me that everything wasn't quite OK and that I had a large SCH right near the baby. She really scared the sh!t out of me because she was talking about the hematoma dislodging the baby form the uterine wall and causing a miscarriage. She put me on a week of complete bed rest. I was immediately freaking out, not only because of the SCH, but also about missing a week of work including a super-important dyslexia conference that my school is hosting on Friday.

I was very careful and took the bed rest thing very seriously all weekend, but I decided to come to work this week and take it easy. I talked to my boss on Monday morning and had to tell her that I was PG. She has known about our IF struggles, so she was happy almost to tears. She gave me the OK to take it easy and put my feet up under my desk. She even dug around in storage and got me a stool to sit on while teaching if needed.

Luckily, this week is pretty chill and I have been able to spend most of my time behind my desk with my feet up on a crate. I haven't had any pain, bleeding or spotting, so I am hoping that everything is OK in there. I have another appointment for b/w and u/s tomorrow afternoon.

 Thanks for reading and vibes for tomorrow's u/s are much appreciated!! Thanks, ladies!!

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