Pregnant after IF

New Protocols! Fresh IVF#2 started after failed fresh & FET - thoughts?

Hello ladies, after a failed fresh IVF in July and failed FET in August we started fresh cycle #2 - I have no issues (I am 32) we are dealing with severe MFI (my hubby just turned 41) - the first 2 cycles went perfect but for whatever reason despite all my tests/bloodwork/ultrasounds showing all good the embies did not take, very frustrating to say the least but we are determined and will not give up! With this fresh cycle our doc is taking different steps and protocols - I got my period on 9/14 so went in for bloodwork and ultrasound on 9/18 both showed everything was good. On 9/19 I had a D&C done, I thought this was only done when you miscarried, had cysts, fibroids etc. but apparently not - our doc recommended this saying that doing a clean sweep of my uterus and causing "trauma" can assist the uterine lining with implantation. Also on 9/19 they did a coculture which apparently my doctor cofounded and only a few places in the world do it! Autologous Endometrial Coculture | Abington Reproductive Medicine I am taking 2mg of Estrace 2x daily which started on 9/16 in addition to my aily prenatals and low dose aspirin. From 9/20 to 10/20 I am also taking Levaquin 1x daily. From 10/11 through 10/20 I will be taking Prometrium. I go back in on 10/26 for bloodwork and ultrasound and will start taking 300IUs of Menopur on 10/27 with retrieval estimated the 1st-2nd week of November (our first fresh cycle I was doing low dose HCG in the morning, 225 IUs of Gonal F later in the day). In addition to IVF with ICSI this time around we are also doing assisted hatching (even though my eggs are good) and PICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and PICSI | Abington Reproductive Medicine - pretty much going all in with hopes this will help us achieve our first BFP. Just looking to see if any of you have been in a similar situation (no female issues, issue MF) and had to go through all of this before getting a BFP or had any of this done at all? Thanks for your feedback
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