Pregnant after IF

XP: Beta at 12 dpiui Update

So my beta at 12 dpiui was 18.7.  My beta today, at 14 dpiui was 33.5.  The nurse was excited that it went up 70% but I know they want to see at least 50 at this point.

She wanted me to focus on the increase but I just feel like it will eventually end.  I hope she is right and I am wrong.  

Beta Hell is brutal!!

Me - 37 years old with Endo; DH - MFI (motility); TTC #2 Since August 2011; IUI #1 December 2011 BFN; IUI #2 February 2012 Canceled due to MFI; tried naturally BFN; IUI #3 April 2012 BFP on 11 dpIUI, Beta on 12dpIUI 9.5, 14dpIUI 8 - Ended in chemical; On break while DH is on Clomid. IUI #4 September 2012 BFP on 10dpIUI; m/c Blighted Ovum TTC #1 January 2009 - March 2010; IUI + Injects - BFP! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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