Pregnant after IF

They're here!!!

Hi everyone! We have had quite an eventful day! I started having a lot of pressure lastnight around 1:00am. The nurse wasn't picking up any contractions on the monitor, but With the pressure and backache I was feeling she thought it best to call my doctor. My doctor told her to give me an ambien and to cal again if the pain and pressure didn't stop. I slept for an hour and woke up with even more pressure, so the nurse called the hospital doctor and had her check to see if the pressure was me dialating. She checked and sure enough I was 4cm dialated. My doctor was called and said we would not be stopping the contractions and that'd he be there ASAP and we would be delivering my boys via csection. Bryce Alan was born at 8:22am weighing 4lbs and 13oz, and Charles Evan was born at 8:24am weighing 4lbs 10oz!! Bryce is doing well, he has not needed oxygen and has already had a poopy diaper! Charlie is on oxygen... He forgets to breath every now and then.... All in all they are doing great!! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers over the last couple of days!!! I'll have my husband post pictures.

Retrieval - 33 Eggs, 29 Fertilized, 14 Frosties
IVF #1 - 3/17/2011 - 2 Blasts

3/31/2011 - Beta #1 - 395 BFP
4/04/2011 - Beta #2 - 1458
4/8/2011 - Ultrasound - little bean measures 5wks 2dys
4/9/2011 - Confirmed miscarriage
FET #1 - 6/23/2011 - 2 blasts (already hatching)

7/7/2011 - Beta #1 - BFN
FET #2 - 8/18/2011 - 2 blasts

9/1/2011 - Beta #1 - BFN
Second Hysteroscopy - 9/15/2011

Uterine Septum Found and Removed
FET #3 - 11/23/2011 - 3 blasts, 1 already hatching

12/7/2011 - Beta #1 - 193 BFP
12/8/2011 - Beta #1.5 - 320
12/9/2011- Beta #2 - 454
12/16/2011- 2nd Miscarriage
FET #4 - 3/1/2012 4 blasts

3/12/2012 - Beta #1 454 BFP
3/15/2012 - Beta #2 1520
3/19/2012 - Beta #3 5000 plus
3/20/2012 - Ultrasound #1 Triplets
6/11/2012 - Expecting 2 Boys
10/01/2012 - Welcome to the world Bryce and Charlie
PAIF & SAIF Always Welcome Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
Siggy Challenge:The Day My Embryos Were Transferred image
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