Pregnant after IF

How is hubby feeling about this?!?!

Hi ladies, still very new here. Hello to you all. My hubby and I have been married for almost 11 years. We got married young and were broke, so we decided to focus on work and traveling. In 2010 we finally decided it was time to have a baby. Got pg right away, but ended in an early MC. Since then we didn't get lucky again. We fianlly saw a fertility specialist and started IUI in early Sept, got our BFP after the first try. Hubby seemed a little distant during the process. He said he felt guilty that he couldn't give this to me naturally. Now that we are officially preggo, he still seems very distant and I'm having a hard time understanding why. I know he is excited, this is what we wanted. But I think he might be too scared that this will end in a MC like last time. I don't know what to tell him to make him feel better. I too am scared and we are waiting to tell family until 12 weeks. But it's hard for me to try to enjoy the early stages of pregnancy when he seems to give out negative vibes. Is this just a guy thing? How can I comfort him?
Married 11/28/01. Me: 31- Elevated FSH 9.1 Hubby: 35- Low sperm count/mobility/ RA meds. TTC since Oct 2010. BFP- Nov 2010, ended in MC Dec 2010. Laporoscopy for possbile ectopic/D&C. TTC again since March 2011- no success. Fertility Dr- May 2012. Lots of B/W, HSG, Laporoscopy. All came back normal. Determined it was a male factor. IUI#1- Sept 2012. Clomid, 2 shots of Bravelle, 1 trigger shot of Ovidrel and daily progetrone suppositories. 4 Follicles,3 good ones, 1 small one. TWW.
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