Pregnant after IF

Oral Progesterone

Has anyone else been switched from PIO to oral progesterone? I will continue my PIO injections until Friday, 9w1d. Then I am switching to oral progesterone. Just wondering if this is a common switch and are there any different side effects with the oral? Thanks!
Me- 26 DH-32
TTC since August 2010
Unexplained Infertility
5 rounds of clomid and 4 rounds of tamoxifen = BFN
IUI #1 - Jan 2012 with Tamoxifen - BFN IUI #2 - Feb 2012 Cancelled :(
IVF #1- May 2012: BFP on 05/29/12!! 06/01 Beta #1= 122 06/04 Beta #2 74 :( - C/P
06/07/12 = BFN Moving onto IVF #2 August 2012
22 retrieved, 13 fertilized, none to freeze
Transferred two embies on 08/19. Beta 1 is 08/31 Beta #1-122 Beta #2- 541
1st U/S 09/12- 1 sac!
Praying this is my take home baby!
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