Pregnant after IF

Spotting -UPDATED!

Someone please reassure me that everything could still be ok.

We were out this afternoon and when I went to the bathroom, I found that I had bled, enough to stain my underwear.  I promptly called the nurse hotline when we headed home.  I'm staying off my feet and drinking lots of water.  I've had a bit more blood when I wipe after going to the bathroom, but it's not bleeding enough to get on the pad and only the same kind of AF like cramps I've been having off and on all along.

Our first ultrasound is at 9:15 in the morning and I'm terrified that we are going to get bad news again.

Update:  We have one perfect little bebe measuring right on track with a heartbeat of 125. I'm scheduled to go back 10/12, but the RE said to call if the bleeding happened again and he would see me just for reassurance.  Thank you so much for giving me hope yesterday.  I may even add a ticker now. 

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