Pregnant after IF

Still ticking!

Yesterday's u/s showed that we still have a wonderful heartbeat that's slowly speeding up. On Monday it was 123 bpm, yesterday it was up to 129 bpm!

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Our LO is measuring exactly on time, yesterdays measurements were bouncing between 6w5d and 6w6d.  

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Note to self... just keep breathing! 

AMA over 40
Massive uterine fibroids removed 3/06
BFP 1/11; MM/C discovered @ 10w, loss at 6w; Cytotec
B/W 7/11 = normal CD3, FSH 8.9; 7DPO progesterone 1.7
Three Clomid cycles, all BFN, Off to an RE for me...
FSH=8.7 E2=30 AMH=1.8 HSG clear, SA=great
Inj. IUI #1 12/9/11 BFN, Inj. IUI #2 1/6/12 BFN
Inj. IUI #3 1/30/12 BFP!, HCG doubled through 6w, 7w u/s mm/c twins
Lost our known donor to unplanned pregnancy
Factor V Leiden, Hetero, symptomatic
Op Hysteroscopy 5/12, removed scar tissue and uterine septum
Doing Cryo-DE IVF and older child adoption (Home visit- Check!)
Beautiful hatching 5-blast transfered 8/30
BFP 9/7/12 EDD May 19, 2013, beta #1=291 beta #2=762 beta #3=7306
Sneek peak u/s shows HB at 6w1d!!! 123bpm!
Still have a HB at 18w0d!!! 142bpm! Grow, baby, grow!
Great NT scan, but, placenta previa. Resolving!
Labile Hypertension, placed on HBP meds to try to avoid pre-e
A/S on 12/21/12, Petra's having a baby, it's the end of the world!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
PGAL Siggy Challenge- Animal Hangovers!
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"Petra, you are an obese 40+ year old. Stop jumping through these hoops. Just adopt already. There is no shame in that." -Deethebee
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