Pregnant after IF

Beta #3 & intro

I posted Wednesay about my Beta #2 that came in lower than expected. Beta #3 was today. To sum up:

Beta #1=117

Beta #2=165

Beta #3=253

The nurse I spoke to said "everything looks great." I was like WTF, these numbers suck! She said the most important thing is that they are rising consistently with each other and that the RE was very happy with these numbers. She specifically told me-they don't have to double, don't believe what you see online and listen to what we are telling you!

So for today it is good news I guess. I am going to take this one day at a time and remain cautiously optimistic. Thanks to everyone for the support on this, I have been a nervous wreck since Wednesday.  For now I am officially PG (still can't believe it!) so I hope to slowly transition over here from the IF board.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Me: 30 DH: 41 w/ perfect SA TTC since 01/2011, all tests normal
12/2011: Clomid cycle w/ OB = BFN
01/2012: RE #1 DX me w/ PCOS & insulin resistance despite absolutely NO symptoms.
02/2012: Laparascopy to remove cyst, found mild endo also.
03/12-05/12: 3 IUI's = all BFN
06/2012: IVF #1, 14 ER, 11 fert, ET of 3 so-so embies, no frosties = BFN.
06/2012: WTF=bad egg quality due to PCOS.
06/2012: Began weekly acupuncture, massive change in diet, started Inositol, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Prenatals, Royal Jelly, Folic Acid.
07/2012: RE #2, new DX: Endo. Don't have PCOS and never had it. Endo is causing bad egg quality.
08/2012: Laparascopy to remove endo, begin Lupron to suppress endo.
09/2012: Started IVF #2, ER 9/10: 25 ER, 23 mature, 21 fertilized. 5dt of one perfect hatching blast on 9/15/12 THIS IS GOING TO BE IT THIS TIME I CAN FEEL IT!!
09/2012: BFP! Beta #1: 117 Beta #2 165 Beta #3 253 Beta #4 3273 Beta #5 19,808 EDD: June 3 2013,
u/s at 6w1d, saw one beautiful heartbeat, a strong 172 bpm! Can't wait to meet our baby blob!
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