Pregnant after IF

In L&D

Well I came in for mild contractions that started at 4:00AM and have been admitted for pre-e.  Apparently I am swollen, have high blood pressure, and protein in my urine.  The swelling I've had I thought was just normal swelling.  I have been given a steroid shot and will be given a second one tomorrow morning.  They've also got me  on magnesium sulfate.  This has stopped the contractions and lowered my blood pressure. Good news is the babies sound wonderful and the nurses are thrilled with how they're responding to everything! I'll keep everyone updated! 

Retrieval - 33 Eggs, 29 Fertilized, 14 Frosties
IVF #1 - 3/17/2011 - 2 Blasts

3/31/2011 - Beta #1 - 395 BFP
4/04/2011 - Beta #2 - 1458
4/8/2011 - Ultrasound - little bean measures 5wks 2dys
4/9/2011 - Confirmed miscarriage
FET #1 - 6/23/2011 - 2 blasts (already hatching)

7/7/2011 - Beta #1 - BFN
FET #2 - 8/18/2011 - 2 blasts

9/1/2011 - Beta #1 - BFN
Second Hysteroscopy - 9/15/2011

Uterine Septum Found and Removed
FET #3 - 11/23/2011 - 3 blasts, 1 already hatching

12/7/2011 - Beta #1 - 193 BFP
12/8/2011 - Beta #1.5 - 320
12/9/2011- Beta #2 - 454
12/16/2011- 2nd Miscarriage
FET #4 - 3/1/2012 4 blasts

3/12/2012 - Beta #1 454 BFP
3/15/2012 - Beta #2 1520
3/19/2012 - Beta #3 5000 plus
3/20/2012 - Ultrasound #1 Triplets
6/11/2012 - Expecting 2 Boys
10/01/2012 - Welcome to the world Bryce and Charlie
PAIF & SAIF Always Welcome Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
Siggy Challenge:The Day My Embryos Were Transferred image
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