Pregnant after IF

1st ultrasound, heartbeat & graduation

Hi Ladies

Today was our first ultrasound and we saw one perfect little heartbeat! They said my spotting was caused by some pockets of old blood left in my uterus and I can continue to spot up until the 10-12 week and it be perfectly fine as long as it is not red. They also said that since we saw the heartbeat the chance of miscarriage drops to 6%. What a relief - now I am looking forward to enjoying this pregnancy!!! Since they saw the heartbeat I also graduated to the OB :)

I can't wait to spend the next happy & healthy eight months with you wonderful ladies!!


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My Blog

TTC #1 Since June 2007
April 2008 Diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility
5 failed IUI cycles
2009-2011 IF Treatment Break - saving for IVF and TTC on our Own... Praying for a miracle

IVF (Long Lupron) Bravelle & Menopur, ER on 11/4 (Retrieved 17 eggs - 16 mature & 16 fertilized!)3dt on 11/7 (Transfered Two "perfect" 8 Cell 0% Frag Embryos) = BFFN

Nov 2011 - July 2012 Taking time off to heal before FET
(We have three beautiful frosties waiting for us)

FET August/September 2012 = BFP!!!
ET (8/31) 2 Expanded Blastocysts & 1 Collapsed Blastocyst
Beta#1 (9/14) 14dp5dt = 1309 Beta#2 (9/19) 19dp5dt = 7557!! 1st U/S (9/28) 1 Beautiful Heartbeat! 8 Weeks 2 Days 2nd U/S (10/9) Heartrate=184!!! EDD: 5/19/13

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