Pregnant after IF

New OBGYN: Does not get me going like hot RE :(

Met my new OBGYN yesterday for my first appt. He is fat and jolly. The first thing he said to me was - call me any time.   No thanks. Where's the sparks? Where's the magic?  He did a pelvic exam and I was just annoyed. Not so with hot RE.

 And btw, last appt with RE was bittersweet. We both said congratulations, said we hoped to see each other again but not under these circumstances and kinda lingered like what to do next. I swear this is not in my head (although it really good be but I swear it's not)!!  I so wanted to hug him but I was pantyless.

 New dr doesn't even have an ultrasound machine. I have to go to the hospital for that.  Wtf kind of low tech crap is that? 


Hows your new OBGYN?? Anything fun?

Me: 32 - low ovarian reserve
DH: 39 - no issues
3 failed IUI's
IVF #1 3/12 - 13 eggs, 9 fertilized, 2 transferred (1 grade 2 blast, 1 early blast), no frosties 3/30/12 -first beta today, 9dp5dt spotting, BFNs on HPT's
IVF #2. 7/12 - 15 days of stims, 3 mature eggs, 3 fertilized (ICSI), 3 transferred (9, 8, 7 cell) on day 3. First beta - 8/21/12 = 105, beta #2 - 8/23/12 = 268, beta #3 - 8/30/12 = 2,352. 2nd u/s - 9/4/12

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