Pregnant after IF

Beta #2-help an IF girl out w/ opinions?

Hi, I normally post on IF but I am hoping you guys can provide some insight into my beta numbers.

Monday Beta #1: 117

Wednesday Beta #2:  165

The nurse said not to lose hope and that it just might be slowly rising but has anyone ever seen numbers like this not end in a c/p or miscarriage (I don't know what it would be at this point)?  I want to be honest with myself and not get my hopes up.  Any insight anyone can provide would be much appreciated.  I am very worried.

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Me: 30 DH: 41 w/ perfect SA TTC since 01/2011, all tests normal
12/2011: Clomid cycle w/ OB = BFN
01/2012: RE #1 DX me w/ PCOS & insulin resistance despite absolutely NO symptoms.
02/2012: Laparascopy to remove cyst, found mild endo also.
03/12-05/12: 3 IUI's = all BFN
06/2012: IVF #1, 14 ER, 11 fert, ET of 3 so-so embies, no frosties = BFN.
06/2012: WTF=bad egg quality due to PCOS.
06/2012: Began weekly acupuncture, massive change in diet, started Inositol, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Prenatals, Royal Jelly, Folic Acid.
07/2012: RE #2, new DX: Endo. Don't have PCOS and never had it. Endo is causing bad egg quality.
08/2012: Laparascopy to remove endo, begin Lupron to suppress endo.
09/2012: Started IVF #2, ER 9/10: 25 ER, 23 mature, 21 fertilized. 5dt of one perfect hatching blast on 9/15/12 THIS IS GOING TO BE IT THIS TIME I CAN FEEL IT!!
09/2012: BFP! Beta #1: 117 Beta #2 165 Beta #3 253 Beta #4 3273 Beta #5 19,808 EDD: June 3 2013,
u/s at 6w1d, saw one beautiful heartbeat, a strong 172 bpm! Can't wait to meet our baby blob!
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