Pregnant after IF

Beta Hell

Got my third beta back finally. 300. My RE actually called himself. He is not optimistic at all. He said my levels should be 1,000 or above by now. He is concerned about a m/c or ectopic preg. I will go back for beta four Monday and a u/s but they probably won't be able to see anything. There's still a possibility it is viable but my re was all doom and gloom. This sucks!
TTC #1 - Since August 2010
Me: Long irregular cycles, late O, short LP. CD3 bw, u/s, 5dpo bw, SA, HSG = normal.
Diagnosis: Unexplained IF possible LPD w/ normal prog levels
BFP 9/2/11, EDD 5/13/12. 6w u/s- Blighted Ovum. M/C w/ cytotec 10/15/11.
Two 100mg Clomid and Three 5mg Femara Cycles + TI = 5 BFNs
5mg Femara + IUI #1 = BFN
5mg Femara + Injects (Lepori) + Trigger (Pregnyl) + TI = BFN
24 hour motility test = 0 motile sperm after 24 hours
Hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyp 6/12, Unmed. cycle after surgery = BFN.
Femara + Trigger + IUI #2 = BFN
Femara + TI = BFP. EDD 5/28/13. HB seen 2x. No HB @ 9w. Trisomy 15. D/C 10/24/12.
Break cycle, SHG all clear.
Femara + TI = BFN.
Femara + TI = who knows.

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