Pregnant after IF

Intro... I think I'm ready to say hello! Twins

Hey there! I'm Meg and I am PREGNANT! I just like saying that out loud.  lol.  DH and I just moved (this week) to Chicago, but we feel like we're in dreamland.

This is my first pregnancy after over two years of trying and our first IVF.  We are 6w3d and we had our first OB ultrasound today.  

TWO heartbeats! We transferred two embryos, but they think only one implanted and then SPLIT into two.  They see only one sac, with two little flutters.  We're stunned and excited.  It's still early, so we're cautiously optimistic, but thrilled that it's starting to feel real.  One heartbeat is 112, and the other is 118.  I can't wait to hear back from my RE in California (my usual doc via telephone, saw a new RE in Chicago for the ultrasound and will continue to see them until I start seeing an OB here in Chi-Town, I guess) about when to schedule the next ultrasound.  I'd schedule it for tomorrow if I had my way. 

I'm a 3TC vet and spent some time on Infertility, and now I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody over here.  

TTC #1 2+ Years with Unexplained IF
1st & Only BFP: 1st IVF w/ ICSI, 3dt of 2 7-cell, grade 2 embryos on 8/25/12
Beta #1 9/5: 87.2 BFP! - Beta #2 9/7: 248 - 1st US @ 6w3d Two Heartbeats! - MoDi Girls!
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