Pregnant after IF

First fert report in

My first fert report is in and out of 3 eggs retrieved, 2 were mature and fertilized!  Just had ER yesterday so  this is the first of a few calls from the lab. Any other ladies on here with success from a twosome?  I'm pretty stressed even though I'm supposed to be relaxing and looking for some success stories :)

Thanks in advance

Me 27 DH 33 dx MFI
1st cycle of IVF w/ ICSI = started bcp's 8/2/12, lupron 8/22/12, stims 9/7/12,ER 9.20.12 ET 9/23/12 3dt 1 6A and 1 4B; Positive HPT 10/2/12, BFP Beta 10/3/12: 38!, 2nd Beta 10/5/12 28 :( worst phone call ever. 3rd beta 10/9/10 2.9...
IVF #2 w/ ICSI = bcp 3/1, ER/ET planned for the week of 4/8
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