Pregnant after IF

When you graduated from your RE...

Did you get him/her something. I feel like I should get my RE a bottle of wine or something for putting up with my crazy self for the past 2 years. It is so sad because I dont want to leave him. My MIL says not to but my DH wants too.


So my question is.. 

When you graduated did you get your RE a gift and if so, what did you get?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Me: 28 // DH: 28 TTC #1 since 6/2010 Unexplained Infertility Diagnoses HSG: all clear 07/2011 // SA: Great! 07/2011 SHG : everything normal 08/2011 100mg Clomid, Ovidrel Shot, TI = BFN 09/29/2011 unmediated IUI #1 BFN 10/10/2011 taking a break from fertility treatments 11/2011 Clomid 50 mg IUI #2 BFN 03/2012 Clomid 100 mg IUI #3 BFN IVF scheduled for July 2012 08/29/2012 BFP! Beta #1 on 8/29 250 Beta #2 on 8/31-461 BabyFruit Ticker My Blog
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