Pregnant after IF

CVS procedure anyone?

I'm going tomorrow and anxiety is setting in. The Peri's office was really disorganized and didn't send me the paperwork. Had to call this morning and get it faxed over. Was disappointed that there was no information for me, just the typical info for, etc. I was all worked up and realized I don't even know where I'm going tomorrow b/c I'm having it done in another location then where I went last week for the consult. I finally called the on call doctor and asked him all the questions I had. I guess I feel better, but would like to hear from others what to expect. Pain? Cramping? Bleeding? Bed Rest? The doctor really minimized it which I don't appreciate either. Ok please share with me!
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Pregnancy Tickerg
6/20/11 mc @ 5wks
10/19/11 mc @ 17wks- Trisomy 18
IUI #1 4/26/12 BFN
Moving on to IVF in July
37 with DOR...fabulous
ER 7/14/12 6R 5F, ET 7/17 3 embies, beta #1 7/26: 147, beta #2 7/28: 326, beta#3 7/30: 422...ugh, beta#4 7/31: 607...hopeful, beta #5 8/2: 1280, beta #6 8/7: 7184 and u/s shows 1 possibly 2 sacs! 8/14 2 beautiful heartbeats! 9/24 we are TEAM BLUE!!!!!
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