Pregnant after IF

Catching Up

Hey all,

Just checking in to thank you for all the beta support.

Wednesday night I woke up with super sharp cramps. They stuck around into Thursday and then I started feeling pressure "down there" too.

So I called in sick to my shift today so I could rest with my legs up. I went to see my GP and she referred me to the high risk clinic without waiting for me to be released from the IVF clinic. I'm waiting to hear from them but they'll get me in soon to follow me.

I also had a 2nd beta draw (but only because there was cause with the cramping apparently). I won't get the results until Monday as the doctor's office closes early today, but it's done so that's fine. 

I'm taking it easy today and tomorrow (as best I can with a family function). I'm back to work on Sunday for 4 days and will see how I'm doing.

Hopefully all is okay but given my nasty history and the fact that my gut has never been wrong, I'm very anxious.

But you ladies have been great. Hands down, awesome. Thank you so much!

My Blog: Jalara's Chronicles
5 miscarriages of 6 babies, 2 IVF cycles and now we are choosing another path.
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