Pregnant after IF

How can I improve my chances of successful implantation after a failed FET & IVF?

Hi ladies!  I am 32, we recently had a failed fresh IVF and a failed FET (we are dealing with severe MFI so did IVF with ICSI), I got my period today so are starting the process for another fresh cycle.  I have no issues at all - all my bloodwork, ultrasounds, HSG, hysteroscopy, etc showed all clear and good and both cycles went smooth so am frustrated that neither cycle worked.  We had a very lengthy discussion with our doctor re: the protocol this time around and am feeling very confident and optimistic, their success rates are world recognized so have doubts with our docs at all.  My question is this - are there any foods, drinks, supplements etc that can improve my uterine health/improve chances of implanation?  I know there are a lot of wives tales out there just looking for some of you who have had IVF success what your experiences have been?  Thanks!
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