Pregnant after IF

iui stories please

Hi ladies

My iui was yesterday so I am barely into the 2ww yet, but after 7yrs of trying, this was our first iui and I was looking for some feedback on your experiences.  I was on femara from days 3-7 and then bravelle injectables from 8-10.  I had a slight overstim reaction to the bravelle so we stopped (9 follies) and then everything settled down so it looked like I had 2 good follies (one on each side) with a possible 3rd when we triggered with HCG.  iui was about 30hrs after trigger with doctor's orders to 'reinforce at home' last night and this morning.  DH's numbers were in the healthy range with 97% motility so I feel encouraged.  I know I can do nothing but wait, cuz hey, I've been waiting SEVEN YEARS, so I'm not new to the 2ww but in the meantime, I'd love stories to read.  TIA 

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