Pregnant after IF


Hi all. After 2 years and 2 missed m/c (one with twins), we found a septum, scar tissue from a previous ute surgery, and that I was symptomatic with FVL (and oh did that diagnosis explain so many previous and ongoing health issues). Surgery and Lovenox should have fixed everything, so we proceeded with DE IVF. It was a hard choice, because the genetics on the twins came back normal. However, our RE had compelling arguments about the naturally high risk of m/c at 42 using OE, so we agreed and used the eggs of a 27 year old proven donor.

Living in the only state without IVF capability, we chose a frozen egg program in Seattle. DH and I did our parts separately, and we transfered the 1st of 3 frozen 5-day blasts on 8/30. Betas are looking good, so now it's the horrible 2ww between second beta and first u/s to look for a heart beat. 

I generally try to be happy and positive, but RPL and IF have really messed with my head. I want to be so happy about the high strong betas, but we always have high strong betas. Then everything goes to hell at 6w2or3d. I would really like to not stroke out my baby as soon as their heart takes the first few beats, so come on Lovenox!

I hope you'll let me join you here. I'll bring the apple cider donuts!

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AMA over 40
Massive uterine fibroids removed 3/06
BFP 1/11; MM/C discovered @ 10w, loss at 6w; Cytotec
B/W 7/11 = normal CD3, FSH 8.9; 7DPO progesterone 1.7
Three Clomid cycles, all BFN, Off to an RE for me...
FSH=8.7 E2=30 AMH=1.8 HSG clear, SA=great
Inj. IUI #1 12/9/11 BFN, Inj. IUI #2 1/6/12 BFN
Inj. IUI #3 1/30/12 BFP!, HCG doubled through 6w, 7w u/s mm/c twins
Lost our known donor to unplanned pregnancy
Factor V Leiden, Hetero, symptomatic
Op Hysteroscopy 5/12, removed scar tissue and uterine septum
Doing Cryo-DE IVF and older child adoption (Home visit- Check!)
Beautiful hatching 5-blast transfered 8/30
BFP 9/7/12 EDD May 19, 2013, beta #1=291 beta #2=762 beta #3=7306
Sneek peak u/s shows HB at 6w1d!!! 123bpm!
Still have a HB at 18w0d!!! 142bpm! Grow, baby, grow!
Great NT scan, but, placenta previa. Resolving!
Labile Hypertension, placed on HBP meds to try to avoid pre-e
A/S on 12/21/12, Petra's having a baby, it's the end of the world!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
PGAL Siggy Challenge- Animal Hangovers!
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"Petra, you are an obese 40+ year old. Stop jumping through these hoops. Just adopt already. There is no shame in that." -Deethebee
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