Pregnant after IF

**First Tri Check In**

Hi girls! I'll be taking over check-ins for Jezebell. Update us on what's new! RE or OB news? Any pictures to share? How are you feeling?

QOTW: How many u/s have you had so far? Were they able to get any good pictures? Share, if you can!

Name Due Date


EmilyB15 3/20/2013

candyreesecup 3/23/2013

racheyt0227 3/25/2013

LuvWIfootball 3/27/2013 triplets

amandabout2011 3/28/2013

Neesey 3/29/2013

DMCKnox 3/31/2013


amb2013 4/2/2013 twins

kmc84 4/2/2013

mrsjami 4/6/2013 twins

Branmuffin 4/9/2013

bandwife928 4/11/2013 twins

therebedragon 4/12/2013

vinceandang 4/12/2013

d3esika 4/20/2013

DStevens429 4/21/2013

lalee73 4/23/2013

PennyLane26 4/24/2013

jessica_gail2 4/25/2013

kyna81 425/2013

Bizzy80 4/27/2013

LeoLauren 4/30/2013

RunningwithPearls 4/30/2013


Jbromberg1985 5/2/2013

kgs0505 5/4/2013

eastwesteast78 5/7/2013

Gregermis 5/8/2013

Islandgirl 5/9/2013

jmorta04 5/10/2013

Me:28, DH:28 TTC Since 2009
dx: MFI 0% morph & low count. Occasional Anovulatory cycles.
IVF #1 4/21/12 - ended in c/p
IVF#2 8/1/12 BFP!
Grace Charlotte due 4/24/2013
7 snowbabies waiting!
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