Pregnant after IF

1st u/s :)

Today I am 5w6d and this is the longest I've officially been pg. I had some spotting last night and.... doc asked me to come in a few days early for my 1st u/s.... Baby bear is there and doing really well... we even got to see a faint little heartbeat! Smile I've never ever seen a heartbeat before!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too early for the machine to pick up a correct count, so we didn't bother trying to figure out bpm but should be able to at my scan next week Big SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig SmileBig Smile

ETA: Doc says source of spotting was a little bit of placenta previa which can be very common this early.  The little bit of spotting and clotting should "teach" the placenta to stop growing over my cervix and it should move as my uterus gets bigger.  It was really nice to have him explain that, and with DH standing there told me no cleaning for at least 3-4 more weeks ... tee hee Smile

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