Pregnant after IF

IVF #1 BFN FET #1 BFN - looking for some stories/inspiration/thoughts!

Hello all!  I just found out my beta today from my 8/31 FET was a BFN :(  This follows a BFN from our first fresh IVF cycle in July....we are upset, disappointed...just feeling a range of emotions.....I am 32 with no issues, we are dealing with severe MFI so did IVF with ICSI - both of these cycles went smooth with successful transfers but the embryos are just not sticking :(  Very frustrating because we finally scraped together the funds to do IVF and have had no luck so far...The fresh cycle in July produced 15 eggs, 12 were mature, 9 fertilized.....we transferred (2) grade cell 8 embryos on day 3 - with the FET on 8/31 we had 3 eggs leftover from the fresh cycle, all 3 survived the thaw (all the cells of all 3 also survived the thaw) and were transferred and were (2) grade cell 6s and 1 grade cell 5 - I just spoke to my doctor and had a lot of questions of course, all of which he answered and I am in no way questioning our docs office, they are excellent and have great success rates with IVF - he advised after reviewing all of our records wtith both cycles everything was on point - my bloodwork, ultrasounds, egg quality, uterus, everything - one thing he pointed out which I never realized is when dealing with severe MFI even if the eggs fertilize (which we did have 9 fertilize with ICSI) sometimes it can also effect the implanting of the eggs which I know we cannot control....our next plan of action is to start another fresh IVF cycle as soon as my period arrives (we have the shared risk package that cvoers 3 fresh IVFs and 3 FETs) question to you ladies is have any of you been in a similar situation as us?  When did you finally get your BFP?  We have been positive through this close to 2 year journey so far but today just feeling very bummed there anything physical you did as far as foods/drinks you thought helped or that stayed away from?  Any little tips of tricks any of you can give me will be much appreciated, thanks! 
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