Pregnant after IF

Anyone have severe MS/hyperemesis?

It unfortunately seems that I'm one of the ones who it decided to hit hard and vomitting 6-7 times a day at least and nothing at all stays down not even water. I'm already on Zofran which doesn't help since I throw it right back up and sour candies, motion bands and ginger isn't helping either.

Called my RE's office and the nurse basically said all they can do is Zofran and I need to contact my PCP if it continues since I haven't graduated yet and am not seeing an OB.  I'm already 8w4d but because of my history I wont be graduating until end of first trimester.

 Did any of you have hyperemesis?  What helped?  What did your doctor do for you?  Basically trying to find out if anyone was hospitalized and at what point or if anyone was given anything different that prevented it or slowed it down. 



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