1st Trimester

So tired... Vent

So I work with my BFF in a psychiatric crisis ER.  It can be very demanding and exhausting.  I am pregnant with our second child and I work 3pm-3am three days in a row.  I get home and to bed around 4am and my LO wakes up between 9 and 10am so I get roughly, counting pregnancy sleep - 5 hours of sleep at the most on a good night during my work hours. 

My BFF is single, no kids, not pregnant.  Gets off work at midnight and is fussing for the past two weeks about not getting enough sleep and being tired.  She complains that he DOGS wake her up at 9am to go the the bathroom.  She has to get up, walk them to the backdoor, open it, shove them out and goes back to bed till o.... 11 or 12, Sometimes she is just so tired she sleeps till 1. 

REALLY???? The last two days I have just given her that evil look.  There are three of us pregnant in the office, we are all beyond tired so I don't know if she is just trying to fit in but really... you get 10+ hours of almost uninturupted sleep and your going to complain about it.  I would kill for just an hour nap a day let along 10 plus hours.  That just seems like a dream to me. 

On a side note: I am going PRN next week so I only have one more day to go with this schedule because I can't handle the lack of sleep time.  With PRN I can take a nap at the same time as my daughter!!!! Ya for me. 

2nd EDD 02/01/13 - MC 5 1/2 weeks 6/5/12. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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