1st Trimester

Positive Pregnancy Test..

I just took a HPT today and it came back a solid Positive. I will be taking another test tomorrow just in case.

 If I am pregnant, how long should I wait to see the doctor, I really want to go as soon as possible to make sure I'm not just freaking out about these tests. Though I know if I go now I would most likely only be 3-4 weeks into the pregnancy. 

 How many of these pregnancy test must i use. Ive used only one brand. And Ive never had a positive result before. 

 Please forgive my frantic nerves, children are not new to me but that doesn't mean they don't make me nervous. Especially since this one will be mine. 

 Any advice on when I should go into the doctor to confirm the pregnancy is welcome. Other advice and comments, hopefully to settle my frazzled nervous would be appreciated.


(Other information)

For the past week I have been experincing what I thought was menstrual cramps. Discomfort in the lower back and abdomen area reached as high as my navel and as low as...well.. lets just say pretty low.

I have also noticed that I have been sleeping longer than usual.

I have no breast tenderness, or irritations...yet.

I have been urinating quite frequently, but soda does do that to me. (I have stopped drinking once I found out the HPT was pos.) 

-Any other information has slipped my mind...- 


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