1st Trimester

**Vent** Is this as tacky as I think it is?

I recently had the following lovely interaction with a pregnant friend:

She had made it known she wasn't going to read any pregnancy/birth/baby books, as she felt her doctor will magically be able to tell her everything she needs to know. I kept my mouth shut (it's her pregnancy, after all), UNTIL she started talking about how her doctor dated her pregnancy wrong on the ultrasound. I asked what she meant, and she said, "Well, it says 9 weeks on my ultrasound, but I was only 7 weeks pregnant."

**No, she was not charting or tracking her ovulation. This baby was completely unplanned.**

I explained to her that most doctors and books count the two weeks before conception as part of the pregnancy. I then said the ultrasound she showed me (a perfect little jellybean) looked the same as my 9 week u/s, and that a 7-week baby looks like a flickering blob. She snapped back with:

 "I live in DC. I have access to the best technology in the country. I appreciate your advice, but you had a baby in OKLAHOMA."

 (**seething** Yes, because the private mega-hospital in Oklahoma with the hardwood floors, in-house regional level IV NICU/perinatal center, family suites, and champagne dinner after delivery, was-- in fact-- a barn with a dirt floor. The clean and professional hospital staff were actually the farmhands. How could I forget?)


That visit-- which was when I let her stay the night after she lost power in DC-- was the first time she had talked to me since she texted me about her pregnancy the day she got her BFP, and she didn't talk to me again until she heard I wasn't coming to her shower in September (I guess her mom couldn't discretely accept a "regrets only" declined invite). That started a storm of facebook and text messages.

I was up-front and told her that I was highly insulted by what she said, that not all people from Oklahoma are small-town hicks, and that I was just trying to help her understand that her trusted doctor had it right. I also said it was interesting that she didn't feel the need to talk to me for over 6 weeks until she found out I wasn't going to the shower.

The apologies/excuses abounded. She then said, "If you don't feel like seeing me at my shower, you can send the gift to my house. I really appreciate your friendship."

The chick will not leave me alone, even after I told her I think it's tacky to apologize only when a present is on the line. Blocking her and ending the friendship, which was fairly casual to begin with, seems a bit severe.

Am I right to think her behavior is tacky? I wouldn't expect a gift from anybody, let alone someone I very openly insulted in their own home.



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