1st Trimester

round ligament pain?

I'm just over 4 weeks with number 3 and if I stretch too far I get sharp pain, I guess right where my pelvis/hip bones are. Today I sneezed and the shooting sharp, burning pain was blinding for a second. WOW! Is this round ligament pain? I'm still a bit sore on the right side where it really pulled, not deep soreness. I don't remember it this early with my other two but possibly because my uterus is use to an occupant it's just going through the motions without much force. It scared me, just worry about tubal...Of course I've been consulting dr. Google which is totally dumb...just wanted to see others experiences.
DH, Jared 7/28/01; DD, Isabella Grace 11/28/06; said good-bye to baby 2 5/09 (11.5 weeks); said good-bye to Dakota Blu 11/09 (11.5 weeks); DS, Benjamin Cruz 12/6/10; said good-bye to babies 5 and 6 09/12 (8 weeks)

March Siggy Challenge, Irish Hottie: Dolores O'Riordan


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